sk-private investigator

Thursday 6 September 2012

Why I decided to hire a private investigator, an article to share my experience.

Hello, My name is Anna D. and I’m 32 years old, I don’t have a fixed job: I’m an housewife and sometimes I work part-time in my friend’s restaurant as I’ve this passion for the kitchen, my friends say that I’m the best in the world, maybe they are just too polite, but I can say that I’m proud of the dishes I use to prepare. 

My family consists of an husband, 45 years old and a good job as manager in a trade company, and two children: one daughter who is now ten years old and her beloved little brother who is only five years old and is officially her favorite toy. 

Everything was just perfect in my private life: my husband's job was a continuous success and we had the possibility to afford an expensive house, good private school for the children and every summer we had wonderful vacations all around the world (Europe and especially Italy are my favorite destination). 

I cannot really explain how happens, but in the last year my self confidence was getting worse and worse, I was becoming paranoid about the idea that my husband could cheat on me and I fell in depression. My friends told me that the better thing to do was to hire a private investigator, this article is about that experience. 
My depression was getting every day worse and worse, my husband himself was desperately looking for a solution to my sickness and tried to send me in a SPA for one whole month.This love demonstration and sincere attempt to help me was the worst thing he could do: I was one hundred percent sure that this was the end of our marriage, I visualized in my mind him with his imaginary new girlfriend, finally free to live together in our house, while I was in some kind of massage or thermal treatment. 

The same day I made my decision: the only solution was to contact a private investigator Singapore, an article found on a women magazine gave me the telephone number and the address of a good agency and a couple of hours later I was talking with the director of the agency trying to explain my fears and my suspicions. 

The director was very kind and friendly, he made me feel absolutely comfortable to talk about a topic that I was barely able to discuss with my mother and my closest friends. 
After they asked me a few basic information about my husband's life (his job, the model of his car, his hobbies, his favorite restaurants etc...) they sent me home and started their research, with the promise to call me in every moment of the day to keep me informed about any minimum development in the  Singapore investigation

Every day, exactly twice a day they called me to explain what the did: they checked my husbands' friends on Facebook, the contacts in his e-mail, the numbers in his rubric and the appointment in his agenda. Everything was worthless so they decided to go deeper and use their ultimate resource to clarify all my doubts about my husband: they began to tail him in all his movements, since the morning when he was leaving our home until the night when he returned for the dinner time. 

These tailings lasted for more than two weeks and nothing happened. Finally the director himself called me for a meeting in his office. He explained me in details all the activities that his men were carrying on to discover even the smallest evidence of cheating, without any result; he was absolutely sure to tell me that my husband was not cheating me. 

I want to end this private investigator Singapore article saying thanks to those men who gave me back my self confidence and the trust in my husband.