sk-private investigator

Sunday 5 August 2012

Catch My Cheating Spouse; Pay My Private Detective Fees: Keeping the Fire Burning In Your Marriage

After the honeymoon period is over, the fire is most marriages fizzles out and many people may be tempted to venture outside the matrimonial union to find the passion and romance that is lacking in their marriage. This is when one spouse starts casting doubts on the fidelity of the other spouse. This is where the private detective comes in and starts digging around for evidence to discredit or ascertain your suspicions. But before the occasion arises where you go shouting to the other party who is fooling around with your spouse to ‘catch my cheating spouse, pay my private detective fees’ cover your bases by making sure that the fire in your marriage is kept alive and burning. I am sure you are wondering why a private detective would be giving you tips, but truth be told, we are not in the business of breaking up marriages. On the contrary, we are human beings who take pride in seeing the marital unions thrive and people making the effort to sustain the relationship that is the core of our society here in Singapore and the world over. We are only in the business of gathering facts so that you can make a decision on what to do if your spouse is caught pants down or allay your fears and save your marriage before you accuse your spouse falsely of straying out of the marital union.

One of the ways to keep your marriage ‘catch my cheating spouse, pay my private detective fees’ proof is by having a scheduled date night on a weekly basis. Remember the things you used to do when you were dating? What was that special thing you used to do for your spouse during courtship? You can do that for your husband or wife at least once a month and remind them why they fell in love with you in the first place. When the children check in, most people forget that they need to give their spouse attention as they concentrate on the children. The date night should focus on the two of you and no one else. Remember when you used to hold hands, give each other hugs that lingered for a long while, cuddling up on the floor mat or settee watching a movie and whispering sweet nothings in each other’s ears? Ensure you set time for that at least thrice a week, even if it is just for half an hour before you sleep. It will go a long way in keeping the fire burning or lighting up the embers of a dying flame.

One of the reasons most men cheat is the lack of copulation. Sex is an integral part of any successful marriage. As wives, we tend to use sex as a bargaining tool; we use it to punish or reward our husbands depending on whether they do what pleases us or not. Some wives feign headaches and many other excuses so that they do not engage in any sexual relations with their husbands. This is a dangerous game to play as most men will go out there and find a willing sex partner. Then when you hire a private detective to track down the other woman, you will go shouting at her to catch my cheating spouse, pay my private detective fees. You can make time for a special sex night each month. For instance, you can decide twentieth of each month, we will be getting our groove on. If you are the adventurous type you can look up different positions that you can practice each month. Above all, to keep that fire burning, do not forget to inject some fun in your marriage. Do some silly stuff once in a while and make each other laugh. It will not only add years to your marriage, but to your life also.